A number of different projects and publications have fed into the My Future York project.
Richard Brigham, Lianne Brigham, Peter Brown and Helen Graham (2016) ‘Living with History in York: Increasing participation from where you are’. In: Chitty G (eds.) Heritage, Conservation & Communities: Engagement and capacity building. Farnham: Ashgate.
How should heritage decisions be made? project (2013-2015) was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and had a York strand called York: Living with History.
Heritage Decisions (2015) How should heritage decisions be made?: Increasing participation from where you are.
Heritage Decisions (2015) York: What has heritage ever done for us?
Paul Furness (2015) York: A Walk on the Wild Side. York’s Alternative History: York.
November 2015. York and Housing: Histories Behind the Headlines.